Looking for a new hobby for the New Year? Take our Bird ID Class.
Consider Birdwatching. Sign up for our Bird Identification Class this January. Are you looking to start something new in 2024 to heal your mind, body
Consider Birdwatching. Sign up for our Bird Identification Class this January. Are you looking to start something new in 2024 to heal your mind, body
The Importance of Snags and Tree Debris: Creating Wildlife Havens After a Hurricane After a hurricane, your yard may look like a mess with broken
Nestled within the tranquil surroundings of The Surf RV Resort in Palmetto Florida lies a treasure trove of natural wonders waiting to be discovered. Avid
Special thank you to Kathy Doddridge for supplying us with this blog.
Have a mouse in your house or a rat in your roof? It is pretty common in Florida to have this problem. Especially if you
By Patty FordTuesday, October 31, 2023 Going on a guided bird walk can be a truly delightful experience. Join our experienced guides on birding adventures
By Connie BrownThursday, June 1, 2023 This blog post was written for and originally appeared on the Conservation Foundation of the Gulf Coast’s blog, Gaining
By: Sam ValentinThursday, March 2, 2023 This blog post was written for and originally appeared on the Conservation Foundation of the Gulf Coast’s blog, Gaining
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If you ever have a question or are interested in volunteering and helping us continue our mission of conservation in Manatee County email us at ManateeAudubon@gmail.com or call at 941-729-2222