Board of Directors Meeting
Monthly meeting attended by the board members to discuss the organization. Join with Google Meet
Monthly meeting attended by the board members to discuss the organization. Join with Google Meet
Join Lilian Saul on a guided bird walk through Bahia Beach Nature Preserve. The restoration area consists of new wetlands created for the purposes of enhancing wildlife and marine habitat […]
Reinier Munguia will be joining us again to take us on a journey to learn about Neotropical Birds. Nothing is more challenging and rewarding than spotting colorful birds in the […]
Join Debbie and Rob Carr on a guided bird walk through Perico Preserve. Perico Preserve is first preserve of its kind to be fully conceptualized as a bird sanctuary. Everyone […]
Join Emile Schoffelen on a guided bird walk through James Patton Park. Everyone is welcome to attend walks. When going bird watching it is important to be well-prepared and comfortable. […]
Join Sarah Denison Williams with Conservation Foundation of the Gulf Coast for a guided walk through Tatum Sawgrass Scrub Preserve. This unique property, only open to the public during special […]
Why come and volunteer to help the conservation efforts at Felts Audubon Preserve? Join us in making a difference! Your time and dedication can help ensure the long term health […]
Join Billie & Jerry Knight on a guided bird walk through Terra Ceia Preserve State Park - Hightower Trail. Native and migrating birds take shelter in the lush forests along […]
Explore Nature's Beauty at Felts Audubon Preserve! Join us for a guided walk through Felts Audubon Preserve, hosted by the Manatee Audubon Society, as we talk about the birds, plants […]
Join Kathy Doddridge on a guided bird walk through Coker Prairie Tract. Coker Prairie Tract New sign (Near 34590 East FL 64- Turn before sign for east Coast Migrant Head […]